Dr. Thomas Taylor on Walking As An Exercise

Dr. Thomas Taylor is an avid walker who enjoys a day outside in nature. When he has the time, he loves to walk to certain locations and as a renowned doctor he understands the enormous positive impact the activity can have on someone’s mind and physical well-being.
Dr Thomas Taylor

It Improves Cardiovascular Efficiency
Walking is one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular efficiency without putting too much stress on the body – its bones, joints and ligaments – and the heart itself. Unless someone is really out of shape or has some kind of condition, their heart rate won’t elevate that much, but the activity will still provide an impact that will help the heart muscle grow stronger. This results to improved efficiency.

Weight Loss
Another important aspect is weight loss. When someone is walking instead of sitting in a car, their body burns its fuel at a higher rate. This increases its daily caloric needs, and if the person in question leaves their caloric intake alone despite that increased need, their body will have no other choice but to use its own energy storage, burning fat in the process.

Lowers Disease Risk
It has been proven long ago that living a sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the risk of developing certain diseases. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise to lower that risk, mainly because almost anyone can practice it.
Dr. Thomas Taylor hopes that more and more people will realize just how big of a positive impact walking can have on their lives.
